Monday, March 5, 2012

Street Fighter x Tekken DLC Controversy

It's only hours before the launch of Street x Tekken and Capcom is doing what it does best: talking DLC and infuriating their customers. A report today by Capcom stated the 12 announced DLC characters the PS Vita and PS3 will be seeing are physically on the disc right at purchase. These characters will eventually be unlocked to the public, the earliest release being Mega Man and Pac-Man Mar.13, and available for purchase on the Playstation Network  and Xbox Live respectively. While the thought of not having to download extra characters may be appealing to some most of Capcom's fans have much different thoughts in mind.
Many people are asking "why even wait to release the characters if they're already on the disc?" Well people, let's be honest this is Capcom we're talking about. Let's take a look at the company's track record in these sort of affairs.
Exhibit A) Street Fighter. wait no, I mean Super Street Fighter. No, sorry, not that Super Street Fighter Arcade Edition 2012. This is a game that has gained a huge profit off of downloadable costumes and extra fighters and download after download after... well, you get it. Fool me once, shame on Capcom.
Exhibit B) Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. Take off Ultimate and you've got the original title. Not even a year after the initial release Capcom was already upgrading the game to make a little extra dough, and why not if they know it's going to turn a profit? Fool me twice, shame on me.
Exhibit C) Ok, this one actually is quite upsetting. Asura's Wrath is released and just days before it hits shelves consumers find out the game's only six hours long! Sure , they're promising DLC, but six hours? That's hardly a full length game by most people's standardsEspecially with the little amount of replay value that it had. No worries though I hear Super Ultra Deluxe Asura's Wrath GOD EDITION will be at least a 10 hour game. Fool me three times, well I must be a TRUE fan of Capcom.
My point is that at this point in people's experience as not only being a gamer of this era of constant DLC, but being a fan of Capcom would one not expect there to be DLC that you would have to pay for whether it already be on the disc or not? People who are fans of Capcom are such for good reason. Because they know they are in for a quality game experience when they make the purchases they do. So, to make it plain and simple quit complaining people, it's not like they force you to buy these upgrades. The only reason you do is because you know it's going to be well worth every cent. So stop griping about the future and enjoy the game that's sitting right in front of you. 
The review of this game will be in later this week so stay tuned for that. Thanks for reading and remember the great words of a man named Ike who said "I fight for my friends."


  1. On a more serious note, I believe Capcom has the right business model, albeit a little extreme on their part. DLC = not a bad thing, and furthermore, DLC that's already DL'd? Can't beat that. That extreme is paying $5 per character or 15 for new levels, etc etc etc... I will not be playing this, nor do I care for your review, mostly because I hate you.

    Love, yer bestie.

  2. I agree that they have a good business plan and I do think having everything on the disc already is great. What I don't understand is why people keep getting surprised by the fact that they have to pay for DLC. I mean just look at Capcom, fans and non fans alike should know that crap was gonna happen as soon as the game was announced!
