Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Sims 4 Create-a-Sims thoughts

Austin: You know, I haven't extensively played the Sims games, but I have dabbled so I was no stranger to making a new character. The first aspect about the Sims character creator or "Create-a-Sims" demo as developers, Electronic Arts, have so "creatively" named it is the amount of minor tweaks you can make to the characters. I tinkered with my avatar for a good 30 minutes and I still felt like I could do more to improve what I had. Not only does the program come with presets, but after a player chooses a face or body type he/she likes they can click on minor features like the cheeks or hips to enlarge or minimize the selected area. It was a nice little touch that seemed to give more control to gamer's who are all about making that picture perfect avatar(you know who you are!). Beyond that there is an option for facial hair, clothes, tattoos and much more. After my 30 minutes of work this is what I came up with.

Ignore the pink haired girl in the middle! 

My friend Josh, who has very limited play time with the Sims, also decided to try his hand at making a mini him. The experience was fairly entertaining and as you can probably tell *sigh* we didn't use source material for these characters. The demo also came with the option to personalize your Sims walk, hobbies, personalities and life goals. Even if I didn't care much for the creator itself, the character abilities dictated by a Sims' personality made me curious as to how they will translate to actual gameplay.

Although I'm not sure this was enough to ignite a burning passion inside me for "Sims 4," I absolutely didn't hate the experience. So to put it into perspective... I might not go out of my way to buy this game, but if a buddy asks me if I want to try out their copy, I wouldn't turn my nose up to it.

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