Saturday, August 20, 2011

Fright Night Movie Review

I want warn readers right now that I have only seen Fright Night 2 as far as older versions of this series go, but I believe that will be enough to give a whole hearted review of this movie so I hope you enjoy. With that being said this movie is classified as a comedy/horror film and I want to stress the fact that Craig Gillespie(Director) did a very good job of balancing these aspects. It wasn't that the movie wasn't aware of it's ridiculous nature but rather it poked fun at vampire and horror movies and the unbelievable nature that come with them. The movie also took time to be serious though too. With actors like Colin Farrell paired with Christopher Mintz-Plasse(McLovin from Superbad) this balance of funny and serious was very much driven by impressive acting from the entire cast. The story is about a boy who begins to suspect his neighbor is a vampire after a bit of disturbing evidence and a conversation he has with another friend. Obviously, nothing too earth shattering or original but I must go back to my original point and say the cast and feel of the story was really what catches your interest and keeps the enjoyment coming the whole movie through. There were some cheesy scraps of dialogue here and there and a few loop holes in the movie, but accuracy is never going to be notable about a vampire movie. Overall, the movie kept me laughing at times and rooting for the protagonist at other times so I would say the entertainment value is extremely high and if anyone reading this has seen the original Fright Night I am glad to report that the new Peter Vincent is wonderfully played by David Tenant who does a marvelous job of supplying laughs throughout the movie while adding to the overall storyline as well. The ending was a tad cheesy but if you like these kinds of movies in the first place you'll no doubt enjoy it as well. The only thing I can truly say was upsetting was the 3D aspect of the film, but that's not suprising in the least bit. I never really have liked the whole 3D craze though so I guess if your the kind of person who like wearing thick black glasses for the cheap effect of 3D you might be ok with this. Overall, Fright Night is a fun thrill ride that will keep you delightfully involved the whole way through. Oh, and when vampires came in contact with the sun they violently exploded into ashes. Not sparkled like Edward from Twilight. So that was a plus. This flick gets an 8 out of 10, 4 stars out of 5 or for some of you more visual people this movie gets a :-) out of :D!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Leaving for School

I told a friend recently that leaving home and going to school is like going from hot to cold water. I want to take this time to retract that statement. I realize now that this is closer to losing a part of one's self momentarily. It's not a simple adjustment but rather a complete overhaul. New people, new settings, new goals. At least for me it seems I'm a whole different person when I leave for school. I guess it took actually packing all my things up and taking the 7 hour drive to realize my mistake. Ill miss my friends and family the most of all, but maybe they can take this time to figure out how to be as cool as me. So the lesson of the day is when you leave the town and people you grow up with you leave a little part of yourself behind. Nothing like a simple change of temperature.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Cowboys vs. Aliens

At first glance one might think that a movie titled "Cowboy vs. Aliens" is a joke. I know I did when I first saw the previews, but then I saw Daniel Craig and even more importantly Harrison Ford. If anyone could turn a poorly written Sci-Fi movie and make it bearable or even something worth while it would be Mr. Harry Ford. Well, it turns out not even the legendary likes of Han Solo himself could salvage an otherwise poorly written, poorly thought out story. It seemed as if the story was written in the spirit of a good ol' fashion western (bad guy is presented and then the rest of the movie is spent hunting said bad guy down)but then they threw in the aliens as a cheap afterthought, sort of how zombies and vampires are being used to "spice up" an otherwise boring story(a habit most people have come to accept as commonplace). I wouldn't have a problem with this if the story didnt seem so... off balance throughout the entire film. When the story would present a problem like the lead lady being wounded or the bad guys having the upper hand they would solve these issues by some strange, almost ridiculous method. For example Daniel Craig has this bracelet which allows him to fight with the aliens, but when I found out how he obtained said bracelet My mouth almost dropped to the floor in a mixture of disgust and utter disbelief. It's plot holes like this that constantly have me rolling my eyes and begging for the movie to be over. The dialogue and acting weren't terrible but certainly nothing to write home about. Overall, I wasn't at all impressed with this movie, but what should I expect from such a ridiculos title? It's like expecting a movie titled "Mr. Kagoshima Wonder Emporium could be good. At least Harrison Ford made me laugh from time to time, even though I don't think what he was saying was supposed to be funny I'll give this movie a 4.5 out of 10.