Saturday, August 20, 2011

Fright Night Movie Review

I want warn readers right now that I have only seen Fright Night 2 as far as older versions of this series go, but I believe that will be enough to give a whole hearted review of this movie so I hope you enjoy. With that being said this movie is classified as a comedy/horror film and I want to stress the fact that Craig Gillespie(Director) did a very good job of balancing these aspects. It wasn't that the movie wasn't aware of it's ridiculous nature but rather it poked fun at vampire and horror movies and the unbelievable nature that come with them. The movie also took time to be serious though too. With actors like Colin Farrell paired with Christopher Mintz-Plasse(McLovin from Superbad) this balance of funny and serious was very much driven by impressive acting from the entire cast. The story is about a boy who begins to suspect his neighbor is a vampire after a bit of disturbing evidence and a conversation he has with another friend. Obviously, nothing too earth shattering or original but I must go back to my original point and say the cast and feel of the story was really what catches your interest and keeps the enjoyment coming the whole movie through. There were some cheesy scraps of dialogue here and there and a few loop holes in the movie, but accuracy is never going to be notable about a vampire movie. Overall, the movie kept me laughing at times and rooting for the protagonist at other times so I would say the entertainment value is extremely high and if anyone reading this has seen the original Fright Night I am glad to report that the new Peter Vincent is wonderfully played by David Tenant who does a marvelous job of supplying laughs throughout the movie while adding to the overall storyline as well. The ending was a tad cheesy but if you like these kinds of movies in the first place you'll no doubt enjoy it as well. The only thing I can truly say was upsetting was the 3D aspect of the film, but that's not suprising in the least bit. I never really have liked the whole 3D craze though so I guess if your the kind of person who like wearing thick black glasses for the cheap effect of 3D you might be ok with this. Overall, Fright Night is a fun thrill ride that will keep you delightfully involved the whole way through. Oh, and when vampires came in contact with the sun they violently exploded into ashes. Not sparkled like Edward from Twilight. So that was a plus. This flick gets an 8 out of 10, 4 stars out of 5 or for some of you more visual people this movie gets a :-) out of :D!


  1. Good review. What was David Tennant's role?

  2. He was Peter Vincent. Also known as the TV vampire slayer host of tge show Fright Night. He was easily the funniest in the and played his part really well.
