Thursday, September 6, 2012

Borderlands 2 Preview- Why Fix it If It Ain't Broke?

After watching one of the many gameplay videos for Borderlands 2 I have come to the conclusion that this is going to be very similar to the first one. If you don't believe me see for yourself in this video. See? Told you, jackass. Now, the real question is and will always be whether or not this is a good thing. For the betterment of gaming, this is terrible, for fans of the series who wanted a straight up sequel... well let's just say there's a lot of people creamin' their pants right now.

The story revolves around something or whatever and the main character needs to kill bad people. Easy enough. I remember playing Borderlands and loving the gameplay, but by the end I wasn't really sure why I was so happy that I won. It was just... "Yay, I won.". That's ok, I loved the gameplay so it made up for it, but for people who disliked the first game because of the forgettable storyline you might want to steer clear of this one.

As far as the gameplay goes it looks like the face-shooting, leveling up goodness is all still intact. Players still have a skill tree they can put experience points into and gain new abilities as their character grows. Vehicles are still present in the game and now come equipped with four seats instead of the two from the first game. The last game had one billion ka-jillion different guns... THIS ONE HAS TWO BILLION KA-JILLION GUNS. My point is everything from the first game is still there and it's more fleshed out in most cases, but there aren't too many new gameplay mechanics I've seen besides having a trade menu instead of having to manually drop weapons and having your partner manually pick them up. Nice additions, but nothing tremendous. Also, graphics are pretty much the same. No upgrades really, but for a game like this who cares. It's not Final Fantasy or Halo where that shit's pretty much expected.

I'm most likely going to pick this game up. I have a friend who'll sit there and share the experience with so hell I could probably just wait for him to get it and write something based on that, but I'm not by any means expecting this game to blow me away and quite frankly I'll be surprised if it's much better than the first one, but hey, this industry is based around sticking to formulas that work so what's the point of even complaining about one that does that once? I also know a game like this will have plenty of DLC's, one of which will include an additional character, so I'm not worried about a lack of content here either.

Overall, I expect this game to be pretty well received by critics and will most likely get scores that range from 8 to 9.5. If you loved the first "role-playing shooter" you're most likely gonna love this. Here's a couple of videos to hold you over until its release:


If you don't care about Borderlands 2 I don't understand why you're still reading but here's something for you too.
Ha... now you're gay.

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