Friday, August 24, 2012

Darksiders 2 First Impressions Interview

Spencer Cordts, a previous poster on this blog, has bought Darksiders 2 for the PS3 and he and I thought it would be a fun idea to do an interview about his first impressions of the game. He's only put in about 10 hours so take the information as you will, just keep in mind there will be periodic updates throughout the next week or so.We're going to try and keep this short and sweet so enjoy and tell us what you thought about it in the comments below.

Question #1: What's the biggest improvement from the first game?
Answer: Not all items in the game are unlocked through progression of the game or purchasing from vendors but rather through leveling up and overall character progression. I like it because in the first game you had to beat a boss to get abyssal form and other such items, this took a while. Now you can get great items if you work hard enough at leveling your character.

Question #2: What's the biggest disappointment about the game so far?
Answer: Weapons are way too easy to upgrade and you're constantly getting better ones so doing side quests seems pointless since you're just going to get something better in 15 minutes anyways.(It's almost as bad as buying an iPhone). Also, the world is much bigger overall and there's a lot more content because of that, but the world can be a pain in the ass to travel around in sometimes, it's hard to figure out where to go and how to get there because the puzzles can be a pretty cryptic at times. I enjoy puzzles, but the ones in Darksiders aren't frustrating because of the challenge but rather the confusion of how the game presents them.

Question #3: How are you liking the story line so far?
Answer: It's good. I mean, it's a great continuation of the original story despite being a different main character. Being true to a story line and successfully building upon it is something that's important to me and clearly it's something that's important to the developers. If you just look at the amount of time they put into the look and environment you'd be able to tell they care very much about the title and the story is no exception to that.

Question #4: What do you think about the main character, Death, in comparison to War?
Answer: I like him more. War was a really good basis for the gaming or starting character, but Death is more interesting because everyone knows him in the game. His popularity is pretty funny in the game because some NPC's are like 'oh shit it's Death', which gives the impression that some people can die more than once and still be apart of the universe. It can just be a comical interaction at times while still giving in to that persona everyone sees the Grim Reaper as.

Question #5: Do you think Death looks like a member of Slipknot just a bit too much?
Answer: No, I don't think so. I think he looks a bit less like the Grim Reaper, but seriously, I think he looks way more bad ass than Slipknot. He makes them look like a bunch of crybabies?

Question #6: What would you want to see addeed?
Answer: The different customizable weapons and abilities give the game a nice RPG feel while still staying true to the original Darksiders. You don't have to customize anything in the game, I mean, you'll progress just fine without it, but just giving players the option to makes the game that much more enjoyable.

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