Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Gamer Interview - Ben Bayliff

Question #1: What is the first video game you can remember playing?
Answer: Mario on the NES when I was about 5 or 6 years old. I remember being at my Grandma's house playing it and just feeling joy. I don't remember all of the game but I remember the feeling.

Question #2: What's the game that got you really seriously playing?
Answer: I would have to say the "Pokemans" got me into gaming. It was really the first game that I just sat there for hours on end and played straight through. It was a game I played with my friends and we built somewhat of a community and it was the game that got me looking out for sequels and into the mindset of "what's the next best game that's going to come out. I looked up information on the game, that was really the first game I cared enough to do that with.

Question #3:  What games are you really seriously playing now?
Answer: Guild Wars 2, NHL 13 the demo (lol) and Minecraft and those'll be my top 3 for the next 5 months. And when I say seriously play Guild wars 2 I mean it. The game has been out for less than a week and I've already logged 54 hours into it sooooo....

Question #4: Tell me about your time with Minecraft and why you think its become so popular.
Answer: I started out with Minecraft just like everybody else. I heard about it and me and my friends started a server. Long story short my friends got tired of it and I wanted to keep playing so I entered a building competition hosted byFyreUK, which is a pair of british gents who create intricate Minecraft structures, and won which allowed me to play and help build these great works. FyreUK is pretty well known within the Minecraft community, especially for their amazing time lapse videos. Honestly, I think Minecraft is just so popular because the community behind it and the modification aspect to the game. There's a huge creative community behind the game that continually posts content so the game is always fresh even for people who've been playing since day 1.

Question #5: What's your favorite video game?
Answer: Can I pick a franchise? Can I pick a developer? Hahahaha, oh this is going to be hard. Um, if I had to narrow it down to two franchises I would say Ratchet & Clank and Kingdom Hearts. Ratchet & Clank because of the ability of the game to be awesome no matter how many times it comes out and Kingdom Hearts because of the story line. In my opinion, you don't get much better than Kingdom Hearts as far as story line goes. All NHL games get an honorable mention.

Question #6: What's your least favorite thing about video games, the industry or the community?
Answer: It's heavily around the Call of Duty franchise and how it's gone to shit and how we've let it go to shit. People have bought the game year after year and we don't question the fact that they change next to nothing about the game. It's one of the most profitable games and they seriously don't change anything about it. We're just going to let developers get away with that and let them keep making money off of their lack of hard work and creativity. I just want to shoot Activision in the face with their poorly designed weapons. A close second though is the immaturity of online gaming. I mean, it's all about trashing the other player, there's no more respect.

Question #7: Who's your favorite video game character? Why?
Answer: Riku, from Kingdom Hearts. I like him because of the inner turmoil he has to go through to save his friends while satisfying the curiosity he has at the beginning of the game. The character development in that game is insane so choosing someone from Kingdom Hearts is an easy choice. You could say Mario, but you don't connect to Mario in the same way. He's just a face at times, like, you know he's in the middle of a struggle but you don't really know why. The only thing that keeps you playing is the gameplay for the most part and that's why I say Riku because even though I din't play as him I had a strong connection to him as a character.

Question #8: Least favorite video game character?
Answer: Mr. X from Resident Evil 2. When he popped out of walls... it scared THE SHIT out of me.

Question #9: Favorite video game quote?
Answer: It's either Ansem when he says "Why do we hate the darkness so much when it is half of everything?"or Sora when he says "That's not true! The heart maybe weak and sometimes it may even give in. But I've learned that deep down there's a light that never goes out!"

Question #10: PC gaming or console gaming? Why?
Answer: I mean, it's always nice to sit in front of a TV and play your favorite game, but with PC gaming there's just so much more to offer for everyone. Developers can add so much more to the game, gamers can mod, more customization is available and the graphics are pretty much always better and the community is better because of the amount of social tools available online. I've met a lot of really cool people online I wouldn't have been able to interact with had it not been for a computer.

Ben Bayliff is a senior at SIUC from St.Louis studying Information Systems technology. You can see some of the FyreUK videos he's helped plan at Some of the works he's played a large part in are "Huge Train Station", "Aquila", and "City of Mages". I seriously recommend you guys check out what this guy has done because it really is amazing, even for people who are well versed with Minecraft. This is The Tin Man Flynn signing out. Until next time everybody, take it easy.

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