Thursday, August 23, 2012

First Impression 3DS XL

Well, Nintendo decided to make a bigger version of the 3DS. If anyone says they're surprised right now they are either A) lying or B) trolling or C) unfamiliar with common Nintendo business practices. Either way, my job is to tell you guys whether or not it's worth buying and even though I feel like a sucker for picking up this thing I'd have to say it's absolutely worth it.

To start, most of the comparison I offer comes from playing my friend's 3DS for about two weeks before the release of the 3DS XL and minor play with other friends 3DS's when the handheld was first released. I'm happy to report that while the 3D effect is still a gimmick and loses its appeal when one you're not facing the device squarely, when you are properly viewing the screen the 3D effect is quite a bit more engaging and fleshed out than what can be seen from the smaller screen of the original. It really made Star Fox 64 3D a fun play and made me enjoy a game I've experienced in the past for a whole new set of reasons. It also seems like the 3D illusion isn't ruined quite as easily if one does move around when playing, but onlookers will still  be unable to see the 3D at all so backseat gaming is a near impossibility with the device. Overall, the 3D has been enhanced a noticeable amount but will still be the butt of many jokes and criticisms for the remainder of its lifetime (A bigger screen can't fix everything).

The design is nice with smoothed corners and a matte finish that is pleasing to the touch. The stylus has also been moved from the back of the device to the right side, but is no longer retractable(not a big deal in my opinion). I'll talk in more detail later when I make more entries but for now I'm going to try and keep it breezy. However, I feel I must address the one complaint glaringly obvious when anybody talks about the upgrade for more than two seconds... the absence of a second circle pad. While I will admit that it does suck the second circle pad is missing I have to say the games I've played absolutely does not need it. The only games I could see the second circle pad pad impacting the game play in a big way is Resident Evil: Revelation, Kid Icarus and Monster Hunter 4. Also, I do agree only having one circle pad does limit what developers can do with the games they create and the kind of mechanics they can implement in their games, but I don't think Nintendo will be hurting too much from this one and I know the consumers will get over it. Nintendo will continue to make great games despite the limitations and hopefully when they release their next handheld they'll remember to add that second, pesky stick. Until then people can complain and talk trash on Nintendo and all those White Knights can come galloping up in all their glory.

The two games I've played for the handheld are Final Fantasy Theatrhythm, a rhythm based game similar to Elite Beat Agents made by Square Enix, and Star Fox 64 3D. The other game I own is Kingdom Hearts: Dream drop Distance and while I haven't played it I am looking forward to what I've seen. Controls are precise and fluid for the two games I have played with Theatrhythm using the touch screen more heavily and Star Fox deploying the circle pad and buttons more. I picked up the gameplay for both titles quickly, but I wouldn't expect any less from a Square Enix and Nintendo game respectively.

As of now this is all I have to report on the 3DS XL and while some of the information is vague this is just the beginning to all of the updates I'm going to put out on the device. First impressions though have exceeded my expectations and I have thoroughly enjoyed my roughly ten hours I've spent with the new piece of Nintendo hardware.

Stay tuned for more updates on the XL and much more. We have an article on the new Madden game coming up as well as impressions of Darksiders 2 and a duel review of Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance with myself and a guest writer. If you have any questions about the XL just let me know and I'll try to address them in one of the next updates. Until then eat your mushrooms and keeping jumping on those turtles people!            -The Tin Man Flynn

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