Sunday, July 20, 2014

Evolve: Which hunter looks the coolest?

Well, I think the best answer is all of them. Who wouldn’t want to play as the assault class and shoot a million-and-a-half holes in the big, bad monster?  At the same time, why do that when you could be the medic and singlehandedly be the team’s go-to guy? That’s a huge aspect of Evolve that I love, though - the diversity. Not only are there four different classes to fight for your play time, there are three unique characters per class! Each of these characters have their own personality, voice and storyline, giving players a chance to bond with their favorite hunter and become even more entranced with the gameplay. So, although all of these options look more than appealing, there are a few that have gotten me pretty pumped to snag a copy of “Evolve.”
                Personally, when I start to get interested in a game, I get most worked up over the characters I’ll be spending my time with. My selection tends to vary from game to game, but a safe bet for me is usually the standard hero-esque character. What can I say? I’m a sucker for a good hero or heroine. However, Evolve isn’t really the type of game where there is a standout good guy. Everybody exudes this sort of bounty hunter, gun-for-hire feeling. This isn’t a bad thing by any means. It just made me seek out a character for a reason other than wanting to save the world or having a really sweet looking sword. Obviously, my next choice would be someone that has a really sweet looking space dog. Sweet looking swords and pet space hounds are pretty equivalent in my book, by the way. The hunter I speak of is the mysterious trapper, Maggie.

                Okay, to be honest, I don’t know much about her besides the fact that her name is Maggie, she uses a machine pistol and she likes to trap monsters, but did I mention she has a space hound!? Regardless of this lack of knowledge, I believe my fondness isn’t without merit. Maggie’s pet Trapjaw[insert “it’s a trap” joke here],Daisy, acts similarly to a hunting dog and sniffs out the monster’s location. This allows the party to follow a fleeting monster and waste less time searching for a hiding foe. Plus, it’s just a cute, but deadly interstellar puppy. There’s not much to dislike. Being a trapper, Maggie also has access to the mobile arena, which contains the monster in a circular force field. This appeals to me because the thought of having to chase the monster for a large portion of a match sounds extremely annoying. Nobody wants that.
                Maggie takes her hindering abilities a step further with her “Moby Dick” style weapon, the harpoon. Not only does the harpoon deal damage, but it’s main purpose is to bring the monster’s movement to a halt - another ability that will make the other hunter’s jobs much easier and effective. Last, but not least, Daisy can revive downed hunters. So, not only does this creature keep the team close to the monster, it also makes sure they stay alive? I was totally on board as soon as I found that out. No questions asked. Shut up and take my money… I’M BUYING ME A SPACE DOGGY! The only downside to Maggie and her four-legged friend is the inevitable depression I will spiral toward after Daisy gets brutally devoured by the monster for the first time. I have to hold back a few tears just thinking about it.
                A close second to Maggie is the lovable, yellow robot, Bucket. He’s a support class hunter and specializes in surveillance and laser-guided missiles. Bucket also uses flying sentry guns, which, to me, means he has robot buddies who can help him out of tight situations, or at least that’s the way I’m choosing to look at it. So, let’s see here… cool robot nickname… check. Missile launcher with flying robot pals… check. The only confirmed playable robot so far… check. Well, that settles that. If he’s in anywhere near the same league as fellow robots R2-D2, Wall-E, Johnny 5 or Mega Man, I’ll be spending hours tearing up those monsters with this mechanical mofo.
              Turtle Rock Studios made a great decision by creating multiple hunters for each class, and I, for one, was pleasantly surprised by the E3 2014 reveal. It got me excited for the game’s release and impatient for the reveal of the last 4 hunters in Evolve. My only request for the title is downloadable character costumes. I’ll be crossing my fingers for an alternate C-3PO skin for Bucket! Take care, guys. :]3

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